

此文令我想起一齣很具爭議性的電影。(近來最具爭議性莫過於《斷背山》,在基督教圈子反響尤大,海牛也收到幾個轉寄的電郵,內容當然是批評《斷》片鼓吹同性戀云云。海牛沒看過《斷》片,不便指指點點。)當年這電影所引起的宗教反彈遠較《斷》片嚴重得多,只是那時internet未成氣候,否則每天收到有關反對抗議這齣戲的電郵相信多得叫我不想check email,我所說的就是《The Last Temptation of Christ 基督最後的誘惑》。




3 thoughts on “被屈已死

  1. lucky you. i have this DVD. hand it to you later. in fact, it’s a good film. a thought-provoking intrepretation of the text (not the Gospel).

  2. I have seen BrokenBack Mountain. To be honest, if the cowboys were not gay, it just look like a very extend version of a Malboro ad. The scenery was beautiful but a very boring film. While I agree Christians should stand up to say that homosexuality is against the scripture but what about all the films about adultery, those that glorifies mafia, war, use of drugs etc. I suppose we need to pray for wisdom otherwise we will be criticised for having double standards.

  3. Lisa said, ‘While I agree Christians should stand up to say that homosexuality is against the scripture but what about all the films about adultery, those that glorifies mafia, war, use of drugs etc. I suppose we need to pray for wisdom otherwise we will be criticised for having double standards.’←同意得很!!

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