14 thoughts on “閏年

  1. 閏年 is leap year, isn’t it? If yes, it should happen every 4 year. That’s why people born on 29 Feb only celebrate their birthdays once every 4 year.

  2. To:曉祈契媽:係關你個契囡事。


  3. In any case, it should be four, since 4–>5–>6–>7–>8 where –> stands for one interval/digit. Agree?

  4. Your last question is different from your first question. The answer to your last question is 3 (i.e. 5, 6 and 7 are between 4 and 8). But, back to your first question, how many years between 2 leap years, the answer should be 4. For example, 2006 is a leap year, the next one should be 2010, and in between you have 4 years:

    2006 to 2007
    2007 to 2008
    2008 to 2009 and
    2009 to 2010.

    BTW, never realise homework for primary school students couold be this complicated!!!

  5. 簡單複雜化,條問題涉及問問題時候的處境:究竟佢想問相隔在數字間的整數數目,定係以365日為1年的概念???

  6. If we do not have 簡單複雜化, half of our government (if not more) will loose their jobs. Also, I believe that is the reason why we have think tanks, all sort of committees and perhaps the reason why we have so many meetings at church (oops I am being bitchy again).

  7. 咁學校想透過呢d問題要學生學到mud嘢?如果呢d係現今小學二年班的功課,我諗我第日實唔識得教阿B!

  8. 這是曉祈的暑期作業的題目原文字:

  9. 原來將問題post上綱會有咁多哥哥/姐姐/aunti/uncle幫忙,我想將來我也會學效,好過浪費金錢帶阿B去補習社! 😉

  10. 來個總結的回應:

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