Canon vs Nikon

Canon和Nikon都會在近期推出新的單反機,而Canon最新的40D更會於後日搶閘登陸香港(可參,單機官方定價僅$8980,勢要將Nikon D80和D200冧價後的市場也打殘,D300預計要到11月才能赴戰,期間Nikon如何變招拆招將會甚具瞄頭。

3 thoughts on “Canon vs Nikon

  1. Nikon is about to lauch D4. The estimated price is around HK$40,000. 話”曬”都”系”full frame, 貴D亦是預料之內。

  2. No la, that’s D3 (not D4) to be launched in the coming November but the price $40,000 is far lower and relatively ‘affordable’ (but not for me) than the King of DSLR, Canon 1Ds Mark III (also built with a Full-Frame CMOS and Live View 3″ LCD), which will be around $64,000!

  3. Yes, I meant D3 instead of D4. Canon 1Ds Mark III is really for professional photographers and also it is too late for me to switch to Canon now.

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