

星期二早上,發覺曉祈從Vicent婚宴拿回來的那罐植物長出了芽來,(嘩!乜咁巨形!),於是決定每早替它拍照做個記錄。由於拍照時甚為匆忙,渾沒留意那植物上有些特別的記號,直至下午在電話中曉祈興奮地告訴我那豆殼般的東西上原來一邊給刻了「Thank You」的字樣,另一邊則刻有一個太陽的圖案,我才猛然發覺自己原來又犯了「只顧照相,忘了欣賞」的毛病……


1 thought on “只顧照相,忘了欣賞

  1. Many great photographers have said that you have to carefully observe the scenery/object before you can take a good photos. That is why masters like Adam Ansel would visit the same spot and sat there for days or weeks or even longer before he decided to take a photo. This is the difference between snapshots and great photos. I believe most of our travel “photos” are really snapshots….

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